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Presidency Post - National Debt

The National Debt is massive. According to the U.S. Debt Clock, The U.S. is over $19 trillion in debt. Most of our debt, is to China. So, If i were president, I would 'kill two birds with one stone' and restructure our tax system to include a higher import tax. This would no doubt upset China, as much of our goods are manufactured there. Therefore, we would strike a deal; The United States would agree to lower the tax in question for Chinese goods, on the condition, that the costs that China saves due to the lowering of said tax, would go towards lowering the National Debt.

For example;

If China imports a crate of Teddy Bears that would normally cost them 3% in taxes (These numbers are not accurate) however, only costs them 1.5%, the 1.5% they saved on that shipment of Teddy Bears would go towards reducing the National Debt.

As we begin dealing with larger and more expensive shipments, it should go a long way towards couteracting the rise of the National Debt.

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